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Reasons Why You Should Fast

Have you been wondering whether or not you should do a fast?
Let's talk about why we should fast.
Firstly, Jesus said 'when' we fast, not 'if' we fast. (Matthew 6:16-18)
There are 3 main reasons that came to mind when thinking about why you should fast.
1. Be set free from ungodly soul ties
A soul tie is something we are emotionally, mentally, or willfully tied to. We only want to be tied to what's directly from God. A fast will help you break free from that ungodly bond.
2. Break an ungodly thought process
The Bible tells us to not conform to the pattern of this world, but to be transformed by the renewing of our mind. Sometimes we need to fast to see that thought process break.
3. Get a breakthrough in some area of your life
The breakthrough is now. The blessing is at hand. If it's aligned with God's will, you will receive it. Fasting shows dedication and commitment to God.
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