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How To Renew Your Mindset According To God's word

Surrender is based on what you see

God has given us the power to change our mind like it says in Romans 12:2. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. 

The enemy attacks our mind because as soon as he has our mind he has all of us. There are many things to love about God and one of them is how patient He is with us like it says in 1 Corinthians 13. 

Growth does not happen over night. It takes time, it takes learning how to surrender, it takes patience, and if God is so patient with us why can’t we be patient with ourselves? 

We all hear about the wilderness process. Breakthrough happens when we understand that wilderness is not just about you being taken out from Egypt, but also Egypt being taken out of you. There are patterns or things that have been installed in us that we need to let God remove and replace with His word. 

He knows what we are able to handle, and if He removes all at once, it might affect us negatively. God’s desire is for us to draw closer to Him (James 4:8).

As much as many want to deny God, whenever one has a true encounter with Christ, you can no longer deny the truth, but all you want to do is start living out the truth. God allows us to go through so many things, and I believe He allows many of us to hit rock bottom to realize that He is that ROCK at the bottom. He is our God that never changes and always remains faithful.

We all have a choice in this world and it all comes down to who has you? Do your actions show that God has you or that satan has you? It’s either the Kingdom of Light or the kingdom of darkness. Many go after self-seeking desires, but it’s time to ask what are those desires attached to? Are they connected to exalting me or exalting God? 

Full surrender is allowing God to have His will over your life and seeing life the way the Lord wants you to see it. 

Recognizing is a big part of seeing through God’s lens. We need to recognize what are the things that are pulling us away from God? Recognize that the decisions that I make are my responsibility and my actions are either going to bring a positive effect or a negative effect. Recognition brings awareness of the problem that needs to be addressed. 

After recognizing, comes releasing things to the Lord and allowing the Holy Spirit to teach, guide, and lead us into all righteousness. 

Acknowledge that even though I have been doing things a certain way my entire life, I might be wrong, and if I am wrong, then allowing God to correct me, and from there just building that relationship with God, and walk on this journey with Him.

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